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The Royal Wulff Society

Members of ASF's Royal Wulff Society have expressed their commitment through a planned or estate gift. The simple act of making this type of gift has a dramatic impact and provides transformational opportunities to help protect our wild Atlantic salmon through current-use or endowment support for research, habitat improvement, watershed protections, programming, and more.

The Royal Wulff Society recognizes individuals who have arranged for gifts to ASF to arrive after their deaths.  Such gifts might include a bequest and/or charitable income gifts, such as charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder unitrusts, charitable remainder annuity trusts or gifts of life insurance.  

A planned gift is one of the most meaningful contributions you can make to ASF - whatever your life stage. Choosing to support ASF by becoming a member of the Royal Wulff Society will provide you with the confidence that ASF's mission will continue for generations to come. These gifts are strategically invested with our endowed funds so that even in uncertain economic times, ASF can continue its vital work. If you have already included ASF in your estate planning, please let us know so that we can welcome you as our newest member of the Royal Wulff Society. Our experienced staff can help you assess what types of assets you might give and how you might go about planning for a legacy gift that best reflects your desires and interests.

Please call Bill Bullock, our VP for Planned Giving and Major Gifts at (802) 375-3320 or email him at bbullock@asfmaine.org for a confidential conversation. As with all planning, please consult with your advisors to determine what approach is best to meet your financial goals and philanthropic objectives.